Welcome to our blog

We wanted to start this blog as a way to keep track of all the new things going on in our family...read along for fun tales, lots of pictures and just try and keep up with the chaos!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Luke at 2 Months

Got some great pictures of Luke at 2 months old. Luke was struggling still with stomach issues at 2 months. He was still very smiley and flirty when he felt good, which was a pleasure to watch. He weighed in at 11 pounds at his appointment. He was only eating once a night, which was also helpful. He was kind and let his very eager brother and sister get awfully close to him many times a day. Luke went to the Ozarks with us, hit several local parks, and had active days with his brother and sister home for much of his 2nd month.

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